• India's Surat Diamond Bourse | Morphogenesis Studio

    The Surat Diamond Bourse, with a built-up area of 70 lakh sq. ft. is set to be the World’s Single Largest Office Building.

    With an eye on providing a facilitating business environment to complement the diamond industry of the region, the Surat Diamond Bourse will be spread across 35.5 acres of land, with a total built up area of 660,451.9 sqm.

    Planned along a central axis aligned with the prevalent wind direction, the North-South oriented towers provide glare-free daylit offices accommodating functions of trading and selling of diamonds. These spaces have been designed to foster social cohesion and community engagement.

    Based in Surat, the 660,000-square-metre office will host biggest community of diamond traders.

    "The core concept for the Surat Diamond Bourse was to create an architecture that equips the world's largest community of diamond traders to empower themselves," said Morphogenesis founding partner Sonali Rastogi.

    Formed by 4,717 offices for 67,000 employers, The offices range in size from 28 square metres to over 10,500 square metres.

    Client: Surat Diamond Bourse

    Status: Completed

    Size: 71,09,045.08 sqft | 35.5 acres
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